Thursday, 19 May 2011

Barbie Clothes 1

Last Saturday, I wanted to do nothing but watch movies and Midsomer Murders all day. But I needed a project to work on. I'm waiting on a new screen for making paper, so that wouldn't do. And then I had an idea! I have so many little scraps of fabric, and a cool vintage Barbie clothes pattern. And put them together and you get these:

This one was fun, putting together the purple and violet. I like this pattern!

This one is the same as the violet ball gown:

And this coat pattern always makes me think of Audrey Hepburn:


  1. The Barbie clothes are too cute!!! Thanks for sharing! And your model, what a pro, lucky you!

  2. thanks, Rebekah! They were fun to make! And yeah, my model did whatever I wanted- she was brilliant!
